Sea Lions: “Guardians of the sea”
During your visit to Aqua Natura Benidorm you can enjoy the educational demonstrations with sea lions that Roland and Petra offer each day.
With them you’ll learn to know and respond these incredible animals. Do you know how to tell the difference between a sea lion and a seal?
Legends say that sea lions and mermaids protect all the living things that make the seas and oceans their home on this planet. But in point of fact, sea lions are overwhelmed with that huge mission and they need your help!
Every day in Spain we discard about 30 million cans and bottles, and 50% of the plastic is dumped without being recycled. 8 million tons of rubbish reach the seas and oceans each year – more than 200kg per second!
The seas need your help! Become a Guardian of the Sea yourself!
With a little gesture you can help: every time you go to the beach, collect three pieces of plastic and dispose of them in the correct container!
Recycle and re-use. Choose re-usable containers made from materials with less environmental impact.
Stop using plastic bags and utensils and throwaway containers.
Avoid using micro-plastics, and always dispose your rubbish in the correct containers.

Assisted Therapy
Contact with persons who have functional diversity represents for us a heartfelt desire, to share with them our privilege to live and work with animals.
Interaction with sea lions stimulates social skills such as empathy and joy. It reinforces confidence in oneself and also a sense of responsibility.
We experience these animals as companions with equal conditions, with deep and positive emotions arising in the animals as well as in the people. The sea lions break the ice, helping us to open ourselves to interpersonal relations. They give us a desire to live anew, they increase our self-esteem and offer us moments of sheer joy.
With these benevolent animals generating such good effects in people, Nature displays her full potential where even therapy and understanding fall short, helping those in treatment, both young and old, to augment and improve their life conditions.
Swim with the sea lions at Aqua Natura Benidorm!

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that Terra Natura has more experiences for you to enjoy your visit to the max? Go to our EXPERIENCES page and discover all the options! Ver másAre you interested?
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