At Terra Natura Benidorm we welcome the first birth of the year, a chital

hace 2 years

The list of births at Terra Natura Benidorm has opened this year 2023 with the birth of a chital (Axis axis) who was born a few days ago coinciding with the drop in temperatures. The keepers had noticed a few weeks ago that one of the female chital was showing a progressive distension of the abdomen, a clear sign that the female was pregnant.

Our specialists have closely monitored the pregnancy of the specimen in order to anticipate any complications due to adverse weather conditions. The aim of the monitoring protocol that has been applied is to effectively help the mother or baby during the gestation and birth process.

Our veterinarians have carried out a check-up on the little chital to avoid any interference between mother and baby. The examination consisted of a visual check-up, an assessment of its physical and mental state, and maternal stimulation.

The baby chital follows the mother around the meadow without difficulty. It is able to suckle normally and biometric indicators have been taken to have it properly identified. The little chital weighed about 2.5 kilos at birth and was approximately 30 centimetres. Likewise, its sex was checked and it was identified with an ear tag. It has also been given an anti-parasitic and vitamin supplements.

The check-up has been carried out in the shortest possible time in order to try not to alter the bond between the baby and its mother. This is sometimes carried out with gloves impregnated with chital urine to avoid transferring the human scent to the animal, and thus prevent the mother from rejecting it. Once the examination is complete, the chital has returned to its mother and both have been integrated under the protection of the herd.

Chitals usually spend the first few weeks after birth resting, camouflaged by the ocellated pattern of their fur and under the close watch of their mother. The female alternates her time searching for food and coming every so often to suckle the baby. When the chital is strong enough to follow its mother, it joins the herd.


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