Duna, the second Indian rhinoceros born in Spain, has celebrated her first birthday at Terra Natura Benidorm.

hace 5 years

This space, dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity, hosted the birth of this baby rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) last year at its facilities, making it the only park that has managed to reproduce two babies of this species in Spain.

The Indian rhinoceros is in danger of extinction according to the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Duna has had a very special day where zookeepers have prepared a large figure in the shape of the number one to commemorate her first anniversary with more than 20 kilos of fruit and vegetables.

Little Duna, who now weighs around 430 kilos and measures about two metres, has quickly eaten the surprise dessert that her keepers had made for her. Her birth, a year ago, has made possible to reinforce the conservation of the Indian rhinoceros and enhance the awareness-raising efforts being carried out at Terra Natura Benidorm to raise awareness about the conservation problems and threats that affect the survival of these animals, such as poaching and the loss of their habitat.

The celebration of Duna’s birthday is the prelude to the commemoration of the International Rhinoceros Day, which takes place on September 22nd. Each year, keepers take advantage of the development of this international day to carry out talks to spread the importance of the Conservation and stability of rhinos.

Terra Natura Benidorm is part of the European programme for endangered species (EEP) of the Indian rhinoceros and has two females and Duna. The first baby rhino, called Shusto, was born in its facilities in 2012, being the first time that the birth of this species was achieved in Spain. It was transferred to the Ireland Zoo in 2015 under the endangered species breeding programme.


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