We celebrate the weekend of the Earth
17 Apr, 18Este sábado y domingo, 21 y 22 de abril en Terra Natura Benidorm.No te pierdas el Taller 'Abejas en acción', 'Hadas y dragones'...¡Y participa en ...
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Este sábado y domingo, 21 y 22 de abril en Terra Natura Benidorm.No te pierdas el Taller 'Abejas en acción', 'Hadas y dragones'...¡Y participa en ...
One of our giant turtles from Malaysia (Orlitia borneensis) is already back in her facility perfectly recovered after being operated to extract some stones she had ingested. Four ...
We have incorporated a new group of collar lizard offspring (Chlamydosaurus kingii) with the aim of promoting their conservation through the reproduction of this species, which is threatened ...
The fantasy will be the protagonist of the activities that we have developed for this Holy Week. The characters of the story of Alice and the curious ...
Paternity is exercised depending the animal species. In the case of our animals, the parents who take most care of their offspring are marmosets, siamangs, dholes and martinets. ...
We have received the visit of veterinarian Sergio Soler, specialist in equine dentistry, to perform the partial extraction of one of the molars of Nube, one of the ...
A delegation of experts from Terra Natura Benidorm, headed by the general director, Luis Perea, has travelled to Cordoba to participate in the 30th Annual Congress of the ...
We received four raptors from the Recovery Centre of Seville. In particular, a crow (Corvus corax), a buzzard (Buteo buteo), a kite (Milvus milvus) and a common ...
The mouflon of Terra Natura Benidorm has experienced a baby boom.This species is living an authentic baby boom during these days, there are 7 newborns and it´s expected ...