We renew the birds of prey show with new species
hace 5 yearsWe present a new didactic and educational demonstrations with raptors, which aim to raise awareness about the conservation of these species that favour the biodiversity of ecosystems and help in pest control. For this activity, the group of birds has started the first flight training in the amphitheatre, located in the Asian area.
In these sessions, we spread the art of falconry such as flight techniques, curiosities about the species and the conservation threats they suffer. Within this group of birds, some of them come from recovery centres and cannot be reintroduced into their natural habitats, so at Terra Natura Benidorm we take care of them and facilitate their socialization through contact with other specimens.
As a novelty, a seriema tintín has been incorporated into the demonstrations, the only land predator bird that join in this environmental awareness activity. It is very common between members of these family birds to make songs that can be heard several kilometres around their location.
Another bird that can be seen is the Ruppell’s vulture, considered the bird which reaches the highest height during its flight. You can also admire the flight of the buzzard that feeds mainly on mammals, although it complements its diet with small vertebrates such as reptiles and birds, as well as insects and worms.
Tawny owls, crows, owls of various subspecies, Harris’s hawk, black kite, steppe eagle, or white stork complete a variety of species of birds of prey that visitors can see in action.