The behaviour of the elephants announces the arrival of summer

hace 7 years

The arrival of the summer is imminent, and proof of this are the changes in the behaviour habits of our elephants; with the recent rise in temperatures, the four Asian elephants have begun to sleep in the outer meadows and are taking the first baths to cool off in the pond of their installation.

In this case, the change in the behaviour of these animals is indicative of the closeness of summer. With the arrival of heat, the biological rhythm of the elephants is altered and makes these specimens appear more cheerful and sociable, which influences their mood. The zookeepers, in fact, have begun to perceive how they play more among them and enjoy the baths to calm the heat.
The zookeepers take advantage of the good mood of Momo, Lagrande, Kaiso and Petita -the four elephants of the zoo-, to make an oral revision and check the good condition of the molars. Also, there is a change in the diet during this time of year consisting of a higher intake of juicy fruits and vegetables such as melons, tomatoes, bananas, apples, watermelons …
The public will be able to live the experience of contemplating these animals of almost five tons and watch them submerge in the water at less than two metres. To observe these animals more closely, the educational talks have been transferred to the pond area at 1 pm until the temperatures drop again.


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