The Terra Natura Benidorm family grows with the birth of a barking deer baby

hace 6 years

The family of animals of Terra Natura Benidorm has grown thanks to the birth of a barking deer baby of Reeves (Muntiacus reevesi). With this arrival, there are now six specimens of the species that lives in the zoo. This species, belonging to the family of the deer’s, stands out for their peculiar sound when they are in danger which is similar to a bark.
The mother of the baby, called Gilda, did not need assistance from the veterinarians during the birth because it developed normally and there was no type of complication. As soon it was born, the veterinarians made a visual examination of the small specimen to determine its general state of health, to confirm if the morphology was correct and if the behaviour of the rest of the group before the arrival of the new baby was adequate.
After the first days of life of the breeding and watching the behaviour of the rest of the group, the zookeepers detected that there was rivalry between the two males of the group. This rivalry has led to different fights between both males, so one of them has been moved to another facility.
The barking deer gestation takes seven months. At birth, the baby stands up immediately and start to walk and run, a bit clumsy at first. After four months they become independent from their mother and reach adulthood at six months. The father don´t take part in the raising process.
Their extreme shyness makes them to hide at first until they have confidence with their new environment. However, when they have to defend their territory they use the fangs.
The species usually lives around 17 years and at birth only weigh 600 grams; in adulthood can become 20 kilos. The size of these animals ranges between 89 and 135 centimetres. It is native from China and Taiwan and lives in the subtropical forests of both countries, taking advantage of the wide variety of plants that has to eat, as well as small animals, carrion and fungus.


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