The world of poisonous creatures adds a cantil viper and a reptile skeleton exhibition

hace 7 years

The world of poisonous creatures of Terra Natura Benidorm has a new incorporation, a male cantil snake (Agkistrodon taylori), which is now considered one of the most endangered reptiles in America due to the destruction of its habitat; and there is also a new exhibition of reptile skeletons.
This species is also known by the name of ‘four noses’, due to the four holes that it has in its face that gives the sensation of having four noses but only two holes are nasal cavity, the other two are thermo-receptive, a heat sensing organ that allows these animals to hunt at night and detect any prey or body of warm blood, even at full darkness.
The specimen comes from the Zoo Aquarium of Madrid.
Measures 30 centimetres and weights about 400 grams. This male has arrived to try to mate with a female that already lives in the zoo and achieve its reproduction in captivity. The arrival of this snake of “four noses” will allow to know more of this species by searching the details on its care and progress in order to improve its reproduction and conservation in captivity.
This species detects its prey with its eyes by shadows and changes of light and the smell particles that are in the environment through its tongue. This viper is also known as cantil by the tail that has. The end of its tail is flashier to attract its prey, it moves it so that it looks like a worm and amphibians, lizards and rodents get confused.
To complete the world of poisonous creature’s exhibition of Terra Natura Benidorm, and coinciding with the celebration of Halloween, public can also see 2 new skeletons of snake: Central American rattlesnakes and moccasin copper head. With these new skeletons you can appreciate the fangs and lower jaw and their evolution to swallow from big to small prey. In the skeleton of the rattlesnake you can see intact the rattlesnake of the tail.


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