We celebrate World Rhino Day with educational and awareness-raising activities

hace 6 months

During this week, we include Indian rhinos in our training programme aimed at zoo keepers and veterinarians to improve animal welfare.


On the occasion of World Rhino Day, which is celebrated next Sunday 22nd September, at Terra Natura Benidorm we have organised special activities to raise public awareness of the serious problems facing this endangered species. Through some actions, we reaffirm our commitment to the conservation and protection of the Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), a species vital to ecosystems, but severely threatened by poaching and habitat loss.


From 22nd to 29th September, Terra Natura Benidorm will be running a special programme dedicated to rhinoceroses, with the aim of educating and raising awareness among visitors. Every day, at 4pm, there will be an informative workshop where topics related to the biology and threats faced by rhinos will be discussed.


Highlights include a themed quiz in the Asia area of the park, where visitors will test their knowledge of the animals. Those who complete the test will receive a diploma as recognition.


There will also be an information stand, managed by the Education Department, where visitors can enjoy educational games such as ‘True or False’ and a visual memory game, designed to teach more about rhinos in a playful way.


In-house animal welfare activities


In parallel to the activities for the visitors, Terra Natura Benidorm’s team of veterinarians and keepers are participating in a specialised training programme in behavioural management and animal welfare. This programme has led to significant advances in the care of the different species in the park and during this week, on the occasion of World Rhino Day, part of this training has been focused on the care of this species. The overall aim is to improve both the safety of the zoo keepers and the welfare of the animals.


In this line, Terra Natura Benidorm is recognised as a centre of reference in the conservation, care and reproduction of the Indian rhinoceros in Europe. The park is part of the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP) and has achieved two births of Indian rhino babys, in 2012 and 2019, the only park in Spain to do so. It also collaborates with the International Rhino Foundation in the in situ conservation of wild rhinos.


On this World Rhino Day, Terra Natura Benidorm reaffirms our commitment to the protection of all rhino species, both locally and globally. Rhinos play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems, but their existence is at risk due to poaching, motivated by the illegal demand for horns, and the loss of their natural habitat.

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