We commemorate Primate Day with awareness-raising talks and workshops

hace 1 year

Terra Natura Benidorm is commemorating Primate Day with various activities, talks and workshops to raise environmental awareness, which will take place until the 15th of September at the park’s facilities. Among the actions that have been prepared is the workshop ‘Primate songs’, an activity in which participants will learn different vocalizations produced by primates and their meaning.


There will also be memory games and infographics for visitors to identify the different species of primate. The team of educators will be located near the installation of the squirrel monkeys, known as saimiri, in the America area. Educators will interact with visitors to explain the anatomy and physiology of these animals, as well as their biological diversity.


The aim of the outreach activities is for the public to learn about primates in order to encourage respect for them from a didactic, attractive and practical point of view. International Primate Day officially takes place on 1st September, although the park’s team of educators has extended the action until the middle of this month to generate a greater impact on awareness through these special talks and workshops.


International Primate Day is commemorated to raise awareness of the complicated situation of the different species of primates in different parts of the world. By celebrating this day, Terra Natura Benidorm seeks to raise awareness of the need to protect these animals from the impact of humans on their habitat, as well as other dangers.


Terra Natura Benidorm currently has more than 40 specimens of primates in its facilities. These species include saimiri, white-handed gibbons, cotton-top tamarins, Goeldi’s tamarins, siamang and capuchin monkeys.

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