We launched an awareness campaign to celebrate World Environmental Education Day

hace 4 years

Educate to advance environmental sustainability. Under this premise, from Terra Natura Benidorm we have launched a social awareness and sensitivity campaign that has been organised for the World Environmental Education Day. The online campaign started this morning with the launch of the first awareness messages and will conclude on January 31st.

From this space, dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity and the dissemination of knowledge of animal species, it is intended to remind through this educational action that society should not lower its guard in relation to recycling habits despite the current situation of pandemic. The online campaign focuses its attention on the need to continue promoting the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste.

Will include contents related to the correct separation of organic and inorganic waste such as cardboard, cans or plastics. Likewise, the reduction of the use of wet wipes will be promoted, which take around 100 years to degrade and represent a significant element of pollution for the seas and oceans of our planet.

As part of the awareness campaign, a drawing contest will be launched on social networks aimed at children, and there be raffled tickets for the whole family. This initiative seeks to promote attitudes of commitment and protection towards the environment among society, raising awareness of the problems that affect the conservation of biodiversity and the role of human beings in the sustainability of natural resources.


Biological diversity in the functioning of the planet

Terra Natura Benidorm frames this type of environmental initiatives with the lines included in the United Nations Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity in which reversing the loss of biological diversity represents a fundamental factor for the functioning of the planet’s ecosystems and is links to human well-being. The park tries to raise awareness about the value of biological diversity so that society adopts responsible habits to understand biodiversity and how to use it in a sustainable way. Terra Natura Benidorm is a member of AIZA and EAZA.

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