We join a campaign to warn of the presence of invasive species in Spain

hace 2 years

Terra Natura Benidorm has joined the awareness campaign, promoted by AIZA (Spanish Association of Zoos and Aquariums), to warn about invasive species in Spain, and the impact they have on the survival of native species and the conservation of ecosystems.

As part of the initiative, which is part of the Invasive Species Week in Portugal and Spain, we have designed an informative workshop so that visitors who come this week can learn about the main invasive species in both countries and become aware of this environmental problem.

Through educational material such as cards, posters and drawings, their characteristics will be explained, including the zebra mussel, tiger mosquito, red palm weevil, American crab, gambusia fish, American pond turtle, Argentine parrot and Kramer’s parrot, collared dove, grey squirrel, amphibian chytrid fungus and the algae caulerpa racemosa or tree of heaven.

These species, as explained by the Education Department of Terra Natura Benidorm, are harmful to ecosystems and endanger biodiversity. The invasions of these species generate problems at an ecological level, as native diversity is lost and the invaded habitats are degraded. The arrival of these animals can even lead to the local extinction of native species. In particular, islands and lakes are the natural areas most sensitive to this phenomenon.

On the other hand, they are economically damaging, as their incidence has a direct effect on agricultural activities and public health. In fact, they can even cause problems for crops, livestock and fisheries. Their presence also entails a risk of transmission of exotic diseases, as they are vectors and reservoirs of diseases.


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